Thursday, September 22, 2022

What To Do

There are a couple techniques in my IHC form that I am still struggling with.  As I continue to advance and improve my form, these particular sections have seen no, or very little, improvement, to the point that they don't seem to fit anymore.  They have become weak spots.  And this far into the year, I feel like my form should be fairly solid.  And it's not.

I knew, when I developed this form, that this could possibly happen.  When I invited the team to submit their favorite sequence of techniques, every single person was at a much more advanced level than I.  So I knew there would potentially be techniques that would be more difficult for me.  So perhaps I just don't have the skill (or strength or flexibility) yet to perform these at a satisfactory level.  

When I put my form on display, I want to be proud and confident in what I'm doing. So on one hand I am tempted to modify these sections to suit me better.  

On the other, I don't want to simply give up because it's hard.

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