I didn't care. I ignored that feeling. I disconnected from my phone. I did not follow a plan, but instead let my inner voice guide me.
I spent the early chilly mornings sitting outside, warming my hands with my coffee and listening to whatever nature wanted to say.
I canned some salsa with ingredients from either mine, or a friend's garden.
When I was tired, I rested.
I dug in the dirt, moving things around, cleaning things up, getting ready for snow.
I made friends with some very big spiders. I accidentally destroyed someone's web...I truly hope they are not a vengeful sort.
I did a form here, I did a form there, whichever form happened to speak to me in that moment.
I hummed contently even while organizing and tidying the kitchen. My children also hum when they are happy and content. As does my mom.
I hand-built some bowls, embedding them with leaves, ivy and flowers from my garden.
I had special little moments throughout the day with both my pets and my humans.
This is how life should be always. This is what I am striving for.
I AM Unencumbered...or at least I know I can be.
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