Saturday, August 20, 2022

A Green Ninja

I don't know if others have felt certain things with different belt levels, but for some reason I feel a real connection with this Green belt that I don't recall feeling with others so far.

I found myself thinking of the movie, LEGO Ninjago.  (Really fun movie if you haven’t seen it.). I recalled how most of the Ninjas had special powers like lightning, fire, earth, water and ice.  And then there was Lloyd.  Whose element was "green".  Of course this didn't make sense to him at the time...and seemed very underwhelming in comparison to all the other more impressive elements the others had.  But eventually he came to understand his true inner power.  And how important it really was.

Lloyd:  "Green is the colour of life. It flows through all living things... connecting them all. The way I connect the ninjas....or the way I connect my family...whether we're together or not.”

Wu: "Some powers are ones you cannot see, but those are the most important powers of all."

Obviously I’m no ninja with powers of any kind.  But Green definitely is the colour of life.  And something tells me this next phase of my journey is going to be really important.  A place where I will really start to grow. A place where I will start to make some key connections.  A place of exploration.  A place where the external and internal start to come together.

Or perhaps it will be an utter disaster.  Either way it will all depend on me and I look forward to my time as a Green Ninja.  

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