Friday, May 13, 2022

The Game of Strategic Conquest

At last night's IHC class we had the opportunity to practice a demo that we will perform at next week's Stony Plain Downtown Celebration.  Before we began, we were asked to choose what form we wanted to focus on and highlight in the demo.  Meaning our weapon form or our hand form.

I'm a bit opposite to everyone else on the team, in that I have chosen a school weapon form and have developed my own hand form.  Stick 1 and 2 for my weapon form and what I've named Dou Ti, for my hand form (pronounced "Dow Chee"....not "doodie" 😂...although the latter seems to be sticking...thank-you "you know who").  

In that moment, I found myself unable to choose.  On one hand, I've got more experience under my belt with Stick.  So it's more comfortable to me.  A little less intimidating.  A little less risk of messing up.  On the other, there's Dou Ti.  This form really challenges my kicks and has proven difficult, both physically and mentally.  When I go full-on intensity, it takes alot out of me.  And there are still times that I stumble.  Essentially, it's just a really hard form for me.  And I don't want to make a fool of myself.  Stick definitely isn't easy, but it would be the safer choice.

As I stood there humming and hawing...Todai Debbie Bjorkquist turned to me and said "Do your hand form.  I like your hand form."  And with that small push, deep down I realized it was the one I want to showcase.  

Yes it's really challenging for me.  Yes I still have alot of work to do.  Yes it's the scarier of the two to be performing in public.  But it also brings with it alot of pride and excitement.  It's mine.  I've put alot of sweat and tears into bringing it together.  And if I really want to do it justice, I need to just go for it.  And so I will.

"The greater the risk, the greater the reward"...right???

Or it "the higher the climb the farther the fall".....???

Oh crap.

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