Thursday, May 5, 2022

I AM Community

My community isn't just one particular place or group.  It's made up of people both near and far.  It's made up of family that I was born to, as well as family that I have chosen.   It's made up of people I've known all my life, and people that I may have just met, or maybe haven't even met at all.  It's constantly changing and growing.

Although many within my community might hold the same values and ideals...that's not always the case.  The true commonality is that all of these people want me to be my true self and simply live a life of happiness.  And they are willing to offer their support, however big or small, to help me get there.

Being a part of a community does not mean that I'm unable to succeed on my own.  It doesn't mean I'm incapable or weak.  On any journey I take, I will falter and stumble.  That is a certainty.  Having a community is like having a safety net.  It might mean there will be people on which I can lean.  Or people that can gently turn me back in the right direction.  People to pull me back or push me forward.  Or maybe they will just sit with me until I'm ready to carry on.  They are ready when asked, but are also able to recognize when they are needed, even when I don't, or can't, reach out for help.  They do not compete, nor do they wish my failure to further their success.  They recognize that we can all succeed together.  And the more of us that do, the better for the community as a whole and the larger the community will become.

Although everything above clearly shows the benefits, I truly believe that what solidifies community is my participation within it.  My participation and my engagement are key.  The true value is not only in what I might gain, but more so with what I am willing to give.  

I AM Community.

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