Monday, February 14, 2022

I AM Excited

I AM SO excited.  Sorry. But I had to add the SO.  I hope that doesn’t nullify this blog from the I AM project, but regular excitement just didn’t cut it. 

I am typically an excitable person.  I don’t mean that I go crazy over everything.  What I mean is that I am easily able to find excitement in most things. Fun things.  New things.  Scary things.  Crazy things. And this regular type of excitement, for me, is that subtle mix of happiness and eagerness.  Often times I display it more to encourage others to engage and get excited as well. 

But now and again I feel a deep and true excitement about something. An excitement that is purely mine and rises up from somewhere deep in my core.  And I just know that I am really gonna love something.  I don’t know if that makes any sense to anyone, but it’s the best explanation I can formulate.  

I felt this recently when I started working with Sifu Jackie Kohut.  It was our first application training session and she had Sifu Nate Kohut toss me over his shoulder to demonstrate an application.  The moment I hit the ground I thought to myself, “Ok yeah. I’m really gonna like this.”  Seriously, who LIKES getting thrown to the ground?  Well, Turns out I do.  Lol.  And every single time Sifu took me down, it felt awesome.  And I was sad to see it end.

ButI felt this same kind of excitement again tonight in class.  

Tonight we did some grappling for the very first time.  Well…my very first time anyways. And that feeling of pure excitement was there. I did NOT want the class to end. I can’t really explain why just yet….but I know I’m going to like grappling.  And I mean REALLY like grappling.  To be clear, I’m not saying I’m gonna be any good at it…but you don’t necessarily have to be good to be excited. 

And I AM excited.

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