Thursday, November 4, 2021

I Know Nothing....and I'm Okay With That

Thrust of the most "basic" techniques that we learn right from the beginning of our training.

This is one of those things that, as a new martial artist, seems pretty simple in your mind.  It's something you tend to think you "get" right from the start.  I thought I got it.  I was so wrong.

As part of my fine tuning with Da Mu Hsing, I've been working on really establishing that last second rotation in my thrust punch.  I was playing around with some different things, when I realized that my other hand, the opposite, yet equal hand, was an issue.  I was incorporating it initially, but it almost "petered" out during that last portion of snapping it to my waist.  As if it became irrelevant...or forgotten...or that I was already moving on to the next move in my mind.  Maybe all of these.

Either way, when I started to truly focus on making sure I was snapping back to my waist just as intensely as I wanted to strike became a moment where I suddenly realized that I have never actually thrown a true, proper thrust punch.  And the clouds parted and the angels sang.  Two years, and I just now have felt what a thrust punch is actually supposed to feel like.  I was excited and humbled all at once.

I love these kinds of "discoveries".  They are usually things that I've done over and over...and that I've received instruction on over and over...and I think "yes, I know this".  But then one day I actually FEEL it, and I realize I knew nothing....and I'm okay with that.  😂

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