Thursday, September 23, 2021

Yes, I Framed It

I am proud to say that I survived my very first Black Belt Fitness Test.  Well, the majority of it anyways.

Unfortunately, I was unable to do anything that would put too much strain on my shoulder.  So I refrained from doing the pushups, chin ups and flex hold.  But otherwise I went for it.  And let's face it...I already know what my number and time would have been for the last two...😆

I'm not going to lie.  By the time we got to the kicks, I wanted to curl up into a ball and take a nap in one of the scarce patches of sun and lick my wounds.  The only thing that kept me going was sheer will (aka stubbornness).

Throughout the testing I was pretty proud of myself.  I had no false notions that I had "aced" anything.  But I thought I did not too shabby.  I recalled doing a "mini" version in class, back when I first started.  If I remember correctly we did the bean bag shuttle (but only the width of the kwoon mats), horse stance hold , pushups, front thrust kicks, lateral jumps...and I think that might have been it.  And I was gassed THAT day!!!  Hahahahahaha.  So this time around, doing so much more, I felt really good by the end and that I had really accomplished something.

Then I sat down to input my scores from the CPRS guide.

Hold on....does lower mean better?? golf??

Wait what?! super awesome 2km run time didn't even score???

Oh my that's alot of zeros....😬

But oddly enough, I did not feel discouraged.

I started to look through each test...picking out the things where I actually scored.  Looking at the ones where I didn't...and started coming up with a game plan.  There's no reason I shouldn't be able to get to a 10 on those situps when the time comes.  I should be able to improve the shuttle run and agility with some effort.  Same for horse stance.  Lots of work to do on my kicks, but that's no surprise, and I'm working at that.  Those, I think, are going to take me a while to really progress, but I trust they will come.  If I actually got back on my box jumps, those lateral jumps should improve.  I 100% intend to score a 10 on that 2km run by the time I am actually ready to test.  That will be a personal goal.  I will continue to work on my pushups, chin ups and flex hold...but I think anything shoulder related might end up being what brings down my average.  So I'm thinking I need to work on maxing out the things I'm a bit better at naturally, and then bring up the others as best I can.

The more I thought about it, the more positive I started to feel.

Sure these scores aren't pretty now....but I can work with them.

And yes, I framed it. 😆

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