Sunday, September 12, 2021

Pottery Sept 12, 2021

My personal goal of pottery has been left to the wayside for far too long.  It’s one of those things that always takes a back seat to everything else.  Today I shoved everything aside (don’t worry…I didn’t shove the kids TOO hard) and sat down at my wheel.  And boy have I missed it.

I’ve always felt like pottery has some significant similarities to Kung Fu.  I feel very grounded and centred when I throw.  Or at least that’s the goal.  And there are a lot of moving parts that need to come together just right in order to get the result you want.  Most definitely there is harmony.  

I’m also starting to learn that sometimes you need to just let things be. Try your best…do what you can…but if the results aren’t exactly as you hoped, take a deep breathe and try again another day.  Forcing a specific outcome tends to only guarantee failure.

I’ve included a video link below of a time lapse from today.  Kinda cool seeing it sped up like that.   The blog picture is of the 4 items I made today.  My official goal is a set of 4 matching coffee mugs.  Not quite there yet 🤣🤣🤣. These 4 will be trimmed and get handles next week.  Maybe not the last one…that might be a bowl…lol.   I definitely won’t be able to work any sort of magic that will somehow get them to match.   Lol.  But that wasn’t the point for today.

The point was that I took the time to sit at my wheel.  And I did.

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