Wednesday, September 22, 2021

My Magic Running Shoes

The number one thing on the Black Belt Fitness Test that I was NOT looking forward to was the 2km run.  I do not run.  I have never been a runner.  I hate it.  The last time I ran any kind of distance was likely high school in Phys Ed.  (Stop doing the math!!!!!  Let's just agree it was a "few years" ago).   I didn't even own a pair of proper runners prior to this boot camp.  I had to go buy a pair specifically for the day.  And I bought the ones under the sign that said "Running Shoes" assuming, of course, that they'd contain some sort of running magic.

As we gathered for this last test, I really had to psych myself up.  Just one last test and I could go home, lay on my couch and eat bonbons for the rest of the night.  And so I decided my goal would be to run the entire first lap without walking.  If I could do that I would be happy and then I could walk the rest of the way if I wanted.  So I started with a pace I thought I might be able to maintain....(look at me using "runner" strategies like a pro).  When we reached Sifu Y Csillag, I wondered if he would be open to bribery and if he might let me cut across.  But I kept running.  When I reached the second corner, I felt like my running pace was barely faster than a walk so what was the point, right?  But I remembered my goal and kept running.  Rounding the corner, I was again tempted to take a break, but I could see Sifu S Csillag by then and didn't want her to see me stop.  And so I kept going.  Ms Kohut then ran with me for a while, encouraging me as we made progress little by little.  And with her, I kept going.  When we reached the school, Sifu Lindstrom yelled at me so I ran a little faster in fear.

And then the first lap was done.  But I didn't stop as planned.

I decided I could go just a little more.  When I found myself back to Sifu Csillag, who reminded me I was now over half way done, I told myself I'd just go to the corner.  Then just the second corner.  And then just the third.  And then there was Sifu S Csillag close to the end!  There was no way I could stop anymore at this point.  That opportunity had passed.  And so, as I passed Sifu Lindstrom once again (yelling at me to hurry up....and I'm pretty sure I saw a cattle prod in his hand) I felt rejuvenated.  Ms Dyble was in front of me...and so channeling my inner Sifu Lindstrom I yelled "Keep going Ms Dyble!!...or I'm going to catch up to you!"  And she immediately sped up again.  Hmmm.  This yelling thing kinda works.

And then I was done.  I had ran the whole thing.  Maybe the shoes were magic after all.  Or maybe not.

As I reflected on the day, I found myself wondering what would happen if I approached other things in the same way I approached this run.  Instead of reaching a goal and having that be the end, what if I pushed that goal just a little bit further out of reach.  And then when I reached that, I pushed it just a little further again.  How far could I actually go?

And maybe that's where the magic is.  Maybe that's where the mastery is.

I'll keep my shoes just in case though.

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