Saturday, August 7, 2021

Maybe I Should Get Some Fish

As I mentioned at our meeting, I feel like I haven't really had much downtime to reflect or sift through all my thoughts, as of late.  I'm actually pretty sure my share at class was somewhat scattered and disorganized, so I apologize for that.  It's funny, because I had sorted through some things that I was going to share prior to our meeting, and then when the time came I found myself unable to reign them in and present them in a coherent way.  Most things weren't even mentioned.  I started 4 different blogs today, all with plenty of content...none with much direction or clarity.  So I decided to just write this one. 

It’s not a feeling of being overwhelmed.  I typically have a lot going on and am always pretty busy with various projects.  There was a time when Emma was about 3, Nathan just born, we had just moved to the acreage, 2 dogs, 3 feral cats that adopted us….and I decided I needed to get an aquarium and fish.  Whenever things are hectic, it’s now a running joke with my Father in Law that I should get some fish.  But I'm also the type that flourishes with alot going on.  I thrive with the activity.  And I've always been really good at multi-tasking and compartmentalizing, but over the last week or so I can't seem to keep things as orderly as normal.  I would describe it as not being able to decompress or debrief.  If that makes any sense.

So when things don't seem to be flowing as nicely as they normally do, I like to take stock of what's changed....what's different…to see if I can pinpoint the issue.  And there seem to be a couple things.

The first is that I haven’t been blogging as often as I normally do.  This might be because the majority of my computer time has been utilized for the demo video.  And I’ve mentioned before how the more I blog, the more I’m able to progress by reflecting regularly on what I'm doing.  If I’m blogging less, this might be contributing to why I haven’t been able to keep everything as clear and organized as normal.

Something else that has been missing recently from my daily routine is my meditation.  It was cut and replaced by some of the other physical things I've been wanting to accomplish.  But I wonder now if that's something that shouldn't be sacrificed.  I wonder if I have somehow upset the balance I had established.

Only one way to find out I suppose.

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