Tuesday, August 10, 2021


I know it will probably come as a great shock to all of you, but I like challenges.

Challenges, for me, tend to shake things up a bit to the regular day and provide both physical and mental stimulation.  They are something that generates excitement and engagement with the team and the school.  I enjoy coming up with ways to engage, and help others do the same, and am continually inspired by everyone that participates.  It promotes that feeling of comradery amongst us and they become a common goal that we can work towards together.  And yes, it leaves me with a feeling of accomplishment when I manage to complete them successfully.  When we are on a life long journey, full of ups and downs, as we are in Kung Fu, these little "wins" along the way can help us maintain the momentum we need to continually move forward.  

In addition to all of this, challenges are yet another opportunity to learn.  I enjoy testing various techniques and methods to see what works for me and what doesn't.  I also find it interesting to see what works, or doesn't work, for others.  My intent with challenges isn't that I continue on with it 100% once it ends.  My intent is that I learn something from it, even if I'm not ready to implement that knowledge right away.  As with so many of the things we are being exposed to, once the seeds are planted, they will be there ready to grow when the conditions are right.

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