Friday, August 20, 2021

Da Mu Hsing I-V

Da Mu Hsing I-V.  This was the form I chose for the Year of the Ox.

In hindsight, choosing all 5 sections was what I would now call a somewhat "overenthusiastic" choice and perhaps a rookie move. But nonetheless, I made the commitment and I will follow through with it.  

With parts IV and V never being covered in the level 1 class, it was up to me to learn those later sections via the livestream videos and by utilizing 1-on-1's.  This presented some challenges.  There has been a lot of back and forth with progress videos and several things have been caught that way.  But there’s only so much that can be seen on a screen and it’s been rare that an instructor or higher cue belt has had the opportunity to see my form live.  

Having said that, I think this method of learning has actually provided me with an advantage and a boost in my training. The videos and 1-on-1’s have provided me with the basics, but the development and fine tuning has mostly been up to me.  I’ve really had to pay attention to what’s working and what’s not….what feels right and what doesn’t.  I’ve had to rely on my own self awareness rather than having someone simply point out that I’m doing something wrong.

My training with Da Mu Hsing hasn’t only been advantageous with the form itself…but also in developing the skills that allow me to recognize these finer details on my own.  And whenever you discover something on your own, your ability to retain it…and to apply it in other areas increases exponentially.  

Ultimately, I'm really pleased with how my Da Mu Hsing form is evolving.

Although now that I think about it, it still hasn’t really been seen in a live scenario….so this is sort of an uneducated opinion.  Lol. 

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