Saturday, September 21, 2024

Oh Sleep...How I Have Missed You So


Well.  So far so good with the changes to my diet.

I took some advice given, and decided to just focus on one thing to start.  And because my sleep was also being affected, I decided to work on my suppers/evening eating first.  

So far what I'm doing is the following,

Monday/Wednesday - on these nights I do actually have time to eat before class.  However, I was either eating too much or the wrong stuff, and it was sitting heavily in my stomach during class.  So this past week I've kept my portions on the lighter side.  This seems to be working as I have felt that I have energy, but without feeling sluggish during class.  

Tuesday/Thursday - I truly don't have any time to eat a meal prior to classes on these days.  I've made sure to have a bigger lunch in anticipation of this.  After classes, I've made sure I also have decent options in the fridge ready to go.  Dan has assisted here in having it ready when I get home.  

The biggest change is what I'm eating late at night right before bed.  Any snacks, if needed, have consisted of an apple and tea.  I've been very consistent with no indulgences before bed.  I also find I don't crave these things typically during the day, so although I'm not tracking, I am fairly sure that my overall sugar/fat intake is down.

I'm letting myself have Saturdays as my day to indulge.  I don't worry about what I eat too much and I'll enjoy whatever treats I might have declined throughout the week.  Being that it's Saturday, I also don't have to worry about getting up early in the event the food messes with my sleep.

I'm also happy to say that I've slept better this week than I have in a very long time.  At first I was still waking up, but I wasn't "awake-awake" and still felt cozy and comfy and was able to go back to sleep.  And the last couple of nights I even slept right through to my alarm.  That is very rare.

I don't have any other changes I'm going to implement quite yet.  I'm happy with what I'm doing so far and what to solidify this into my "norm".

But so far so good!

....Dan tells me this is what I look like when I sleep well....

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