Saturday, September 7, 2024

A Second Opinion

I find it funny how even though we might have already recognized a problem ourselves, it still takes someone else pointing it out before it actually "clicks" to start doing something about it.  Almost like we subconsciously need a second opinion.

So when Sifu Brinker mentioned at the last meeting that no sleep is linked to poor diet...and that focusing on our health is the key to everything else falling into place....

And when Sifu Rybak just happened to want to check in to see how I've been doing...

It reiterated what I've been telling myself over the last few weeks.

My diet sucks...its affecting my sleep...which is affecting everything else down the line.

Here's what I know is going wrong.

1. Poor planning.  I've been successful numerous times (so that also means I've failed numerous in developing a sustainable plan when it comes to food and diet.  Plan and prep are always key.

2. Less eating opportunities.  Or maybe I should say different opportunities available that I haven't gotten myself accustomed to yet...not necessarily "less".  I find that eating before my own classes isn't great.  I can feel my meal sitting in my stomach while I'm trying to train, and it's not ideal.  Most especially when it's a high-intensity class.  And when teaching, I leave work at 4, get to the Kwoon to run through my lesson plans, and then get into teaching classes.  I then don't get home until at least 8pm, or sometimes 9pm.  So basically, the "normal" window for eating is no longer available. I need to figure out a new "normal" that will work.

3. Food choices.  Ugh.  As a result of numbers 1 and 2 above, the food I'm eating is...less than ideal.  I won't lie, on occasion I've been known to eat a handful of M&Ms or a bowl of chips for supper and call it a night.  On these nights, I will wake up and not be able to get back to sleep.  Makes sense when I'm hitting a sugar rush an hour after going to bed.  ðŸ˜’  Even on the nights where I come home to a cooked meal waiting for me, I still end up not sleeping because it's maybe either too much or not the right stuff for right before bed.

4. A vicious circle of pain.  Lack of sleep is affecting my training.  Both because of low energy and increased injuries.  The more tired I am, the weaker I become, the more injuries I get, the less I train, the weaker I get.... And round and round we go.

This seems like a lot going on...and it is.  My it's really one thing causing a lot of different symptoms.

Better diet = better sleep = more energy = quality morning trainings = less ailments/injury = progression = balance = sustainability....and so on.

So for the next bit this is going to be my primary focus.  Everything else is going to take a wee bit of a back seat. Not forgotten, just secondary for a bit in terms of focus.  If I can get a handle on my diet, both with the choices and a proper schedule, I have a feeling that everything else will rectify itself.

I am going to set a reminder for 1 month to blog specifically about how this is going.

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