Thursday, May 23, 2024

Doing Something Even While Doing Nothing

I had a really terrible day a couple weeks ago.  Really, really terrible.

I had been sick all week.  So hadn't been at the Kwoon.  Nor had I been able to train at home.  Eventually on the Sunday, after a few rounds of antibiotics, I felt I was feeling up to some training.  It did not go well.  My forms fell apart.  I was off-balance. I was still feeling tired and weak.  Zero harmony.  I was totally disconnected, not just from my Kung Fu, but from myself.

From there I became frustrated and impatient.  Becoming short with my kids....spiraling into more guilt from there.  Feeling like a failure as a student, instructor, mom, partner.  Dan was working, so I didn't have that support while in the thick of it.  But once he got home, during a conversation, he said "do you think this has anything to do with not being at Kung Fu all week?".  And that it was said out loud, I think this was a big factor.

In hindsight, it was inevitable that things were going to fall off the rails.  While sick, I just laid in bed...which was needed for sure.  But I had zero connection to my Kung fu.  I didn't think to read a book.  I didn't think to just go sit quietly in my training area.  I didn't think to just breathe mindfully.  My thought was "I'm sick.  I need to rest and do nothing."  But even in doing nothing, there are ways to stay connected.  My Kung Fu is how I take care of myself, both physically and mentally.  It's how I ensure that I am happy, healthy and aligned...again...not just physically, but mentally and spiritually.

The Kwoon is a very special place, yes.  But I don't want this to be a thing where I spiral if I'm not at the Kwoon.  My Kung Fu is with me all the time and I want to be able to maintain that connection no matter where I am or what my circumstances are.  Now that I recognize better why this happened, I can do better happens again.  And there is no doubt it will...for some reason or another.  But next time I will be better prepared to do something even while doing nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure what kind of sick you were, but if it involved any sinus stuff, push-ups are a great trick to clear your nose, weird but it works! (Not permanently, but long enough to properly blow your nose)
