Saturday, September 30, 2023

I’ll Get There

My body has been feeling extremely sore and tired.

I’ve been trying to do more physically.  Pushing myself as much as I can in class and attempting to do pretty much everything, as long as I can do it in a controlled way. As soon as we start moving too fast though, I no longer feel in control and then it gets in my head…and things seem to unravel. But I’ll get there.

It’s also obvious that my cardio and stamina have both decreased over the last few months.  Same with my overall strength.  Not overly surprising, mind you.  But I’m left feeling like I was worked over pretty good.  Having to really work to get things moving in the morning.  But again, I’ll get there.

So yes. My body has been feeling extremely sore and tired. But in a good way.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

And That's Ok

My site is officially live.  

I have been constantly fiddling with it.  Probably more out of fear of it going live than anything else.  And I'd love to have more items up.  But I've realized this is going to be ongoing and will likely never be something that is "done-done".

So I'm just gonna go for it and see what happens.  It very well might crash and burn.  And that's ok.  

However, if any of you happen to be clicking around and encounter problems, please let me know!!

Also, in terms of my pottery goals, I've been asked to do a "Meet 'n Greet" in my hometown of Saltcoats, SK for local artists.  Again, I don't really call myself an artist.  I just like playing with mud.  But I agreed to do it and am both excited and nervous.  And just like my website, I might crash and burn.  And that's ok.

But if I never give it a shot, I'll never really know. it is.  Up and live.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Coincidence…I Think Not

I actually wrote this blog Friday but still wanted to review before posting.  It was surreal how almost every single one of these things was discussed at the boot camp.  It all comes down to being in the moment and not yearning for the future or mourning over the past. 

This has been a really great week.

I feel like my head has finally cleared and my perspective has adjusted in a positive way.

My household has finally returned to our typical day to day schedule since before my surgery. Structure and routine have always been important for success with anything I want to achieve.  It's also always been important for my family as a whole to thrive.  The feeling of just "winging it" that had become a regular occurrence over the last several months was absent this week.  And it resulted in feeling more calm, organized and free.  Funny how structure can be freeing.

I've let go of my desperation to heal faster.  And the moment I did, I began to actually see small improvements.  Were these improvements not happening before?  I'm sure they were.  But I think that my focus was so consumed with the final end goal, that I was blind to anything else along the way. I didn't care about the process.  I only cared about being healed in full.  Anything less wasn't good enough.  When I severed that obsession, I was suddenly more aware of what was happening right here and now.

I've adjusted my reality of progression.  I had convinced myself from the beginning of my recovery, that in order to progress, I would need to first achieve the level I was at pre-surgery, and then surpass that.  Until then, it was all just catchup.  Nobody told me this…I only told myself.   And it weighed heavily on me, always feeling like I was behind.  Surprisingly, and although it took a bit, it was my side heel that changed my perspective.  My side heel is different now.  Physically I wasn’t working on it…but I was making advancements in a mental capacity.  And once I started throwing some, I realized the progress I had made even without the physical component.  My side heel showed me that I didn’t have to get back to where I was.  I didn’t have to catch-up.  I’d been moving forward all along.  

I’ve stopped just assuming “I can’t”.  Yes I’ve had to be careful during recovery.  Small steps at a time.  But you only “can’t” until you can.  And the only way to get to “can” is to actually try it.  Every time I’ve done something without thinking, I’ve surprised myself with actually being able to do it.  On our vacation, there was an instance where I needed to run.  And I just did…without thought.  And I realized immediately there was no pain or discomfort.  And I couldn’t help but wonder how long I had actually been capable of that, but had just assumed it was something I couldn’t do yet.  So this week I’ve stopped just assuming I can’t, and turned it into “let’s just see if I can”.  And I’m proud to say I did my first roundhouses and side heels, full weight and pivoting on my new foot, for the first time since May. They were slow and calculated, but I did them and they felt good.

It feels like the moment I finally let go of all of these things weighing on me, everything changed.

I reimplement structure, and I immediately feel more free.
I release my anxiety about not healing, and I suddenly start to see signs of improvement.
I adjust my idea of progression, and I'm acknowledged formally for achievement.
I stop assuming I can’t, and I learn I am capable of more.

Coincidences?  Doubtful.

By letting go, I’ve actually regained control.  

And I feel like I've finally come back to myself.  

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Loop Of Impossibility

I am home.

The last 2 weeks have been packed with activity.  But I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit, almost no Kung Fu training.

Back to school week found me working full time.  Then at the Kwoon working all evening.  Morning training took a back seat to sleep.  

We then left the house Friday, flew to LA Saturday, and spent a week filled with Disney, rides, churros and a lot of walking.  My foot held up.  But there was nothing left in the tank for any other physical activity.  I wasn’t even able to do my physio exercises.  I tried.  But it was simply too painful for an already overtaxed foot.

Sure, perhaps physically I was at my max.  But why wasn’t I able to do something?   Anything?  Now that the opportunity has passed, I can think of several things I could have been doing.  So why did they elude me in the moment?

I feel my Kung fu is at an all time low.  The balance that I had established and maintained between the mental and physical aspects of training is completely out of whack.  For a time, post surgery, I was able to keep progressing.  My mental training carrying me forward.  I was even proud of how I adapted and kept going.  But one can only continue without the other for so long.  Eventually, the one that is lagging will start to apply resistance….keeping the other from going too far.

But I think the only reason my physical self lags, is because I continue to wait for it to return to its previous state. So I suppose if I really think about it…maybe it isn’t my physical self that’s holding me back at all.  Maybe it’s my mental self clinging to a physical that no longer exists….and thus, is actually the culprit keeping my new physical from growing. These thoughts are really confusing.  So I made a couple diagrams.  

Well this blog took a turn and my brain is tired from trying to solve a problem where I’m starting to think there really isn’t a problem.

It is what it is.  And it changes.  

I can word, and reword this all in a variety of different ways.  Shift my perspective from this way or that.  But one thing remains consistent. 

I need to let go in order to move forward.

Apologies for this mess above.  But sometimes reflection gets messy. 

And although it may seem a mass of chaotic thoughts and confusion, I think it’s actually helped.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

IHC Number Update - September 2

2023 Year of the Rabbit

Year of the Rabbit - January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2023 (384 days)

Base Requirements

Hand Form - Tai Chi Short Form  600/1000

Weapon Form - Kwan Dao  534/1000

Push-ups  26488/50,000

Sit-ups  26344/50,000

Sparring  456/1000

Kilometers 873/1609

Acts of Kindness  588/1000

Blogging/Online Presence - yup

Unexcused Absences - yup

Mastery by Stewart Emery - 👎

Mend a Relationship - 👍

Lion Dancing - no

Tiger Challenge - complete!

Public Performances - Tiger Challenge

Core Curriculum - hope so

SRKF Projects and Initiatives - Children's Class Weekly Recaps, Spring Break Mad Minute Challenge, Earth Day, Dragon Dance organizing, Blood Drive, BTSW

Personal Requirements

Monthly Movie/Game Family Night  7/12

Lion Dance Drumming - 👍

Chi Development - ok

Establish online presence for pottery - almost done!

Daily blogging  👎

Weekly Kick Assessment - no progress at this time