Friday, December 23, 2022

Yes...Yes...Okay...Okay...Wait, what?

So I'm not sure about anyone else, but my mind was in jumbles after the work we did on our kicks a few classes back.  Specifically the discussions surrounding the front thrust kick. 

Pushing or thrusting?
Initiating with the hip, or the hip snapping at the end?
Engaging the whole body.
Etc, etc.

A brief thought that went through my head at one point was "Oh my gawd I have no idea what we are talking about anymore."  I was so far gone I didn't even know what to ask.  Lol.

So now, in addition to my broken Spinning Back Kick, my Front Thrust Kick is in shambles as well.  Oh...and my IHC hand form broke a couple weeks ago too.

The funny thing is that I'm not at all upset about any of this.  At the beginning of my journey, I may have felt frustrated or deflated.  Or perhaps like I was no good or that I sucked.  But I'm starting to see how this is actually all good.  These things are broken because of all the exciting feedback and information I've gotten recently.  They are broken because I'm trying to improve...and I'm poking them with a stick.  Making adjustments, implementing change, will always bring with it a bit of turmoil and discombobulation. The hope is that, on the other side, I will find progress.  I find myself in a state of content, even amongst the broken.  It is a pleasant change.

In fact, I'm beginning to think that if I ever find myself in a place where nothing seems to be broken, that might be an indication that I've slipped into that lazy river of mediocrity.  Pretty and peaceful, sure...but not really taking me anywhere.

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