Thursday, December 8, 2022


I was doing some "research" on daily blogging this morning. Essentially this consisted of reading through some of Master Wieczerza's blogs from 2016. I knew she had made daily blogging a personal requirement for her 8th Dan promotion year and I was curious to see how she had approached it.  As I perused her blog, I stumbled across one that detailed the S.M.A.R.T. method for goal setting.  I love how the universe works sometimes.  I thought I was looking for one thing, and found something else.

Although my personal requirements have been accepted as they are, I still find myself reading them over and over...questioning the validity...wondering if they truly serve me.  There were a couple of goals that I did not complete this past year (and the year before), and I find myself wondering if these were maybe just "filler" or "fluff" goals.  Ones that maybe seemed like good fun ideas, but were simply just "things to do", rather than real personal goals that will truly serve me.  And now that I've come across this goal setting method, I am curious to see if they will "pass" this test.  If I find myself struggling to define these 5 things for each of my goals, perhaps that's an indication that I need to do some re-thinking.

I'm sure many of you have probably come across this in the past, but being that a major topic of discussion from our last meeting was about our personal requirements for the upcoming Year of the Rabbit, I thought this was all very timely and wanted to share.  There is a plethora of information and templates online, so if you're curious, a quick google search will provide all kinds of resources.  I found a template that I liked, altered it just a bit, and intend to go through it with each of my goals (link below).  If you're struggling with setting your goals...or defining your goals, maybe give it a go?

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