Friday, June 7, 2024

July 1, 2024

I've been really working on maintaining balance in my life and establishing something that will be sustainable for the long term.  Recently this has meant making a choice between an IHC commitment and family.

My "little" sister called me a few weeks ago to let me know she'd be visiting my Mom in Saskatchewan with her family.  I haven't seen my sister in about 8 years.  And I've never met my nephew in person (now 1 1/2 years old).  We talk and facetime, but it's not the same.

Unfortunately, it turns out the visit will take place over the July 1 weekend.

It's not necessarily a decision I wanted to make, but truth be told, the decision itself was easy.  I know exactly when there will be another July 1st. What I don't know is when I'll get the next opportunity to see my sister.  Having said that, there is still some guilt for missing this IHC commitment.  And I want the team to know and understand I wouldn't be without a very good reason.

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