Wednesday, February 28, 2024

My Dragon Personal Requirements

I typically share these publicly so here they are.
  1. “100 Notes To A Stranger” – throughout the year I will write and share 100 inspirational/uplifting notes to various strangers.
  2. Participate in a market with my pottery.
  3. Take each, Emma and Nathan and Dan (separately), on a 1-on-1 special weekend.
  4. CARRY FORWARD - Lion/Dragon Dance Drumming - learn to play a full lion dance with the ultimate goal of playing for a demo.
I'm proud to say that I was given the opportunity early on to fulfill my drumming goal! I now have a banquet and 2 demos under my belt, with hopefully more to come. Moving forward I want to experiment a bit with my drumming. I have some ideas that may (or may add to our Lion and Dragon dances. We will see!

IHC Numbers To Date
Pushups = 3545
Situps = 3625
Fan = 57
Long = 45
Sparring = 18
Km's = 1538
AOKs = 71

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Last Second Change

I made a change to my requirements right at the last second.

I had originally intended to carry forward my Kwan Dao into the Year of the Dragon. But leading up to banquet day, my instinct told me that I wouldn't be able to sustain it for another year. In a mental capacity that is. Meaning I did not think I'd be able to maintain excitement or stimulation with it for another full year. To date, the Kwan Dao has been my favourite weapon. I connected with it right away and I was gaining insights even to the end of the year. I do not plan to lock it away only to collect dust and I do have an opportunity that will require that I continue training with it, which I am very excited about. But my gut told me to switch it up.

And so I began to ponder what new weapon I would attempt to master, that would also still support my other goals. Much of my training is still geared towards my Chi development. And the Kwan Dao was integral to that. The weight of such a weapon forced me to utilize my energies in a much different way than with a stick or sword. Muscling it was not an option and I really had to incorporate all of the harmonies, and both external and internal energy, to maximize it's efficacy.

My thoughts went to the fan.

Where I would describe the Kwan Dao as a "hard" weapon that demands the full use of both external and internal energy...I see the fan as a "soft" weapon that will require the same. But that is coming from a place of zero experience in the matter, so this remains to be seen.

As I have started to work with my fan, I must confess I am a little lost. To be quite frank, the thought "I think I've made a terrible mistake" has crossed my mind. With my Kwan Dao I just picked it up and started swinging. Although controlling a weighted weapon is something totally different, it was still fairly easy to translate techniques from stick, our base weapon. Slice, stab, chop, etc. Even articulations had similarities, albeit modified to suit. But so far I am failing to link anything obvious from the stick to the fan.

However, after a recent 1-on-1, I can see I was being too literal with transferring my knowledge. True, there might not be a direct correlation of techniques. Meaning, I can't really take how I would wield a stick, alter it somewhat, and then apply that to the fan (like I could with the Kwan Dao....or how we can see those physical similarities to the sword or nunchuks). What I CAN transfer are the concepts. For instance, when working with any weapon, we want to work with the weapon, not against it. So for the stick, rather than always stopping and starting to move to another technique, we want to find a way to maintain flow and momentum from one to the next, if at all possible. I can certainly apply this to the fan. Another concept would be to figure out a particular weapons' special advantages and then find ways to apply those. Meaning, what makes it unique? So where speed and reach might apply to the stick, sleight of hand and distraction might apply to the fan.

So even though there doesn't seem to be much for specific techniques that I can transfer directly to the fan, I can still transfer the concepts.

I'm actually a teesny bit excited at how difficult I am finding this. I feel like the harder something is, the better the result once you finally figure it out.

IHC Dragon Numbers To Date
Pushups= 2120
Sit-ups= 2175
Fan Form= 25
Long= 26
Sparring= 13
Kim’s= 30
AOKs= 55

Friday, February 16, 2024

Final Rabbit Numbers

Not my best year for numbers.  I fell behind with my surgery and then never did manage to find my way back.

But I’ve started strong so far for the year of the dragon.

I also did well tracking all of my other forms.. I try to ensure that I am at least touching on every one at minimum) once a week.  I’m proud to say that I achieved numbers beyond that. 

Final Rabbit Numbers

AOKs = 1012

Kms = 1548

Kwan Dao = 775

Tai Chi Short = 808

Pushups = 34160

Sit-ups = 34160

Sparring = 775

Sunday, February 11, 2024

25 Things

This was a challenge put forth by Sihing Burke as her birthday challenge. But I thought this was a fun way to hi-light events from the year and wanted to have it saved as a blog. I’ve included yesterday as well because I feel that banquet day is the culmination of the year. 
  1. Sifu Brinker breaking my drumstick hours before game time. 
  2. Being asked to drum my first banquet...and doing it. 
  3. Taking part in my first live Tiger Challenge. 
  4. Being Sihing M Wards applications partner. 
  5. Undergoing major surgery and overcoming the challenges that came with it. 
  6. Realizing the power of visualization. 
  7. Being asked by a black belt to teach them my Kwan Dao form. 
  8. All of my 1-on-1s.
  9. All lion dance practices and watching that unfold and come together. 
  10. Digging the peace pole area with Todai Vogt. 
  11. Fight choreography with Sihing M Ward and Todai A Csillag. 
  12. Teaching the Young Dragons. 
  13. Watching Emma grade for orange. 
  14. Watching Nathan grade for yellow. 
  15. Watching every belt promotion, both adults and kids. 
  16. Helping plan the Young Dragons banquet demo and being really proud of all of them.
  17. Learning the Tai Chi short form. 
  18. Breaking my first wooden boards. 
  19. Holding the boards for the young dragons and realizing that my daughter can now look me right in the eye. (Height) 
  20. Doing Kung Fu with my scooter at the Kwoon. 
  21. Developing my Kwan Dao form. 
  22. Breaking my ceiling light in my house while practicing my Kwan Dao. 
  23. Napkin folding. 
  24. Working with brand new students.
  25. Earning my blue belt. 

IHC Dragon Numbers To Date
Pushups= 600
Sit-ups= 600
Fan Form= 0
Long= 0
Sparring= 0
Kim’s= 3
AOKs= 21

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

One At A Time

There is just so much happening right now.

Having said that, everything I have on my plate is positive. No negative stressors at present...and that is definitely something I'm grateful for.

I am also noticing that before I can get overly worked up about any one of them, I need to direct my energy to another.  So rather than being over-stressed about one single thing...I have several that I'm only able to get a little bit stressed about.  Lol.

Either I literally don't have time to get too worked up about any of them individually....

OR...maybe.....just maybe...I'm learning to focus and be in the moment with one at a time.

IHC Numbers To Date
Pushups = 34080
Situps = 33920
Kwan Dao = 767
Tai Chi Short = 798
Sparring = 760
Km's = 1538
AOKs = 1002