Friday, October 27, 2023


Well isn't that interesting.

Last night, when doing my Tai Chi, I found myself shaking just like at the Tiger Challenge.  This is literally only the second time for this to happen.

I know it's not nervousness.  I've trained and performed in front of the team so many times now that doesn't bother me much anymore.  And it wasn't like there were any outside observers present.

It was also interesting to realize that it's actually just my fingers, not my entire hand.  When I tensed my hand more, I was able to keep it more under control.  But in doing that, I did lose some of my flow I typically have.

The only similarity between the 2 events that I can come up with is that I had already done a few higher intensity repetitions right before.  So now I tend to wonder if this is something that happens after I get my heart rate and adrenaline at a high level, and then want to turn it right down.

I'm going to monitor this a little more and see if it happens again.  But I certainly find it interesting.

IHC Numbers To Date

Pushups = 28534
Situps = 28559
Kwan Dao = 591
Tai Chi Short = 691
Sparring = 566
Km's = 1148
AOKs = 740

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