Tuesday training brought some major challenges for my partner and I. We experienced 3 major fan failures...in the span of about an hour. This inspired some discussion about what we would do, if this were to happen during a performance. First and foremost, inspecting our weapons is a must. But even when regularly inspected, there is still a possibility of failure. We had already put into place some caveats in case it is dropped in some of our more "high risk" moves. But we realized that any spot where we open and close the fan is a potential spot for it to fail structurally. Those openings have a lot of force behind them. And in fact...the spots where things are most likely to go awry, are those that you are unprepared for. Murphy's Law. So we decided to experiment....and went through our form in full with no fans at all.
It was quite a fun and interesting experiment that I think will serve us well. We were able to adapt the fan movements to include many different strikes and blocks, without sacrificing how we move or interact with each other. It was actually quite easy...which showed us just how many possible scenarios there could be in a single technique within a form, simply by adjusting your intent a little.
I really can't imagine how we can be any more prepared than we are (knock on wood...lol).
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