Saturday, December 14, 2024

A Little Less Fluff

As we continue to work on our fan form in preparation of the upcoming banquet, we’ve been looking at the length and trying to determine which portions we really want to showcase. Good news is that there actually aren’t very many bits that we don’t like and to me that means we actually like our form. Lol.  Bad news… Actually, there really isn’t any bad news. We started to take a really deep look at the different sequences in our form. The first thing we looked for was duplication of techniques. Those were easy spots to remove to reduce our time. From there, we started to look deeper at our stepping and our transitions. We found a few spots where we were able to become a bit more efficient, shaving a second here and a second there. We tried it out yesterday to the section of the music that we’ve been assigned for now, and I am so excited to say that it works perfectly. I’m also really happy with some of the little tweaks we made because it does feel better for flow. 

This exercise of trimming down our form was really insightful and I started to wonder how much fluff we sometimes have in there just filling space. And I don’t mean that every little move has to be applicable. But everything should have intent. And sometimes that intent is just to pose and look awesome.  

So don’t worry.  We kept those parts in. 

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