Friday, November 10, 2023

Form and Stances

I've been feeling really excited about my Kwan Dao.

Although it was hard having to stay away from it (physically) for so long...and it's been challenging to have to ease back into it slowly...this time has also fostered new insights and I believe it has furthered my progress in ways that may have not happened otherwise.

There are a few things that I'm zero-ing in on like hand transitions to increase both speed and extension.  I've also (with help) happened upon a few spots where the concept of expansion and contraction has become really pertinent.  And not only expansion then contraction...but expansion with contraction.

But by far, the most significant is that I've been forced to really nail down my stances and fine tune my form.  Prior to surgery I recognized the importance of this with a heavy weapon.  But truth be told, I took for granted that I still had that physical power to reign things in if needed.  And if I was pulled out of my center now and again, no big deal...I could adjust.  In fact, I'm recognizing how I would always just slightly restrain my weapon, anticipating the need to pull back, knowing how easily I could be thrown off. Instead of questioning this and trying to fix the problem at the source, I lived with it because I could.  Post-op, this wasn't really an option.  I had to be more careful and methodical.  I had to truly rely on pure technique and proper stances to maintain control.  And comparing then to now, I can feel the difference.  Because of the physical need to stay safe during my recovery, I now feel like I'm more in control of my weapon, but due to form and technique rather than brute strength.  

In writing this I realize that "control" isn't quite the right word to reflect what I mean.  Control still implies restraint...that there are still opposing forces...control by me and submission from my Kwan Dao.  Which I think is still a valid and important phase in mastering a weapon.  But it's not quite how I'm feeling.  I think what I'm getting closer to with my weapon is harmony.  Closer to...but still very far away.

1 comment:

  1. I’m really interested by what you said about expansion WITH contraction, I’d love to pick your brain about it next time I see you!
