Friday, October 27, 2023


Well isn't that interesting.

Last night, when doing my Tai Chi, I found myself shaking just like at the Tiger Challenge.  This is literally only the second time for this to happen.

I know it's not nervousness.  I've trained and performed in front of the team so many times now that doesn't bother me much anymore.  And it wasn't like there were any outside observers present.

It was also interesting to realize that it's actually just my fingers, not my entire hand.  When I tensed my hand more, I was able to keep it more under control.  But in doing that, I did lose some of my flow I typically have.

The only similarity between the 2 events that I can come up with is that I had already done a few higher intensity repetitions right before.  So now I tend to wonder if this is something that happens after I get my heart rate and adrenaline at a high level, and then want to turn it right down.

I'm going to monitor this a little more and see if it happens again.  But I certainly find it interesting.

IHC Numbers To Date

Pushups = 28534
Situps = 28559
Kwan Dao = 591
Tai Chi Short = 691
Sparring = 566
Km's = 1148
AOKs = 740

Thursday, October 19, 2023


When injured we often have to make a conscious effort to modify.  Once we are healed, we re-adjust and move forward.

But sometimes we modify without realizing it.  And these modifications that we aren't aware of can be damaging.  If we aren't aware we are doing it, it can very likely become a regular habit even after we are healed.

On two separate occasions now, I've become aware of a modification I've been making without a conscious effort.

In the Young Dragons class, Sifu Rybak challenged the students to figure out how they pivot during a roundhouse or sideheel.  Do they hop?  Do they pivot on the ball of their foot?  The heel?  Flat footed?

In these instances, the correct way is to pivot on the ball of your foot.  But during this exercise, I realized that I am not.  To avoid any pressure or torque on my toes, I am pivoting more on my heel.  And this is very difficult to do while remaining grounded and maintaining proper alignment and balance...which is probably why I'm struggling so bad with remaining grounded and maintaining proper alignment and balance.  Lol.

On another occasion, we were practicing a certain sequence in Da Mu Hsing where we pivot 180 degrees out of an open-x and into a bow stance.  Technically, if we are in proper stance to begin with, we should make that turn with no issues and end up in a perfect bow stance without having to adjust.  I found that my bow stance kept ending up short, and it wasn't because of that initial open-x.  As I played with it more, I realized I was making that same pivot adjustment here as I am with my kicks.  As I turned, instead of pivoting on the ball of my foot, I've been pivoting on the heel, resulting in the shortened stance.  

Obviously there's a good reason why I'm doing this at present.  And now that I am aware, I can be cognizant as I heal that I don't let this habit, or possibly others, continue any longer than necessary.

IHC Numbers To Date

Pushups = 28044
Situps = 28259
Kwan Dao = 582
Tai Chi Short = 679
Sparring = 556
Km's = 1103
AOKs = 710

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wandering Intent

A recent example of how powerful intent can be.

I was in Tai Chi class when a question was posed by another student.  During the discussion, it was mentioned that the intent of a particular movement was with leading with one hand while pulling the other with it.  I immediately realized that I focused on this movement in a different way.  My intent was with the opposite hand, pushing the other.  Now I didn't necessarily think I was doing this particular move "wrong"...but there were a couple things related to this sequence (timing and balance at completion) that I was working on...and so in the name of curiosity, I decided to change my intent and try it the other way.

Immediately, with that very first attempt, my timing and balance seemed to adjust on their own and everything came together.

Fluke obviously, right?  But no...again and again I maintained this new intent, and achieved the same result.  And it was so easy!  Something I was trying to fix for the whole class (and for the last 3 years to be honest) without success, was rectified with a simple shift in my mind.

I know we are constantly told how important intent is.  That it is the guiding factor in what we want to accomplish. Yet it still eludes me.  There are times I think my intent is one thing...when in fact, it is another.  Or times when I start with certain intent, and then it changes without me even realizing it.  

I think I understand intent.  The definition.  The concept.  I've experienced it.  Had success with it.  But I don't yet have total control of it and am not always able to keep it pure throughout a technique or form.  And when I say pure...I don't mean that it can't change.  It can.  But if it does, it's changing because I want it to.

As I think about this practice, it seems similar to meditation.  With meditation, I will sit and breathe with a particular thought or purpose.  Then suddenly I will realize that my mind has wandered...and so I pull it back.  Over time this gets both easier and less frequent.  And I think I can apply this practice to intent.  If I start one way...and then realize that it has gone astray...I simply need to pull it back and carry on.  And hopefully it just gets easier.

IHC Numbers To Date

Pushups = 27924
Situps = 28089
Kwan Dao = 581
Tai Chi Short = 669
Sparring = 554
Km's = 1099

AOKs = 703

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Try, Try Again

I started something new with my pushups.  

I've been doing modified wall/inclined versions for so long that they were simply no longer providing the benefits that pushups should.  It was just a number obligation, and not a means to actually help me improve my strength.  💡 Hoop vs tool.

So I came up with a new plan.  I decided that I was going to do a more "time based" approach so that I could slowly start to build up to full pushups....while still fulfilling the spirit of the requirement.

Using 1-2 minute increments, I would do as many full pushups as I could, then I'd continue with as many as I could from my knees, then I would hold plank for the remainder.  Pretty much what Sihing Csillag has suggested we do in class in the past.

This went well for a bit....and then, like every other time before, I hurt my shoulder.  This seems to happen every single time I attempt to build my full pushups.  And I always get really frustrated by this.

BUT...this time, I took a minute to think about why this keeps happening and what I can do about it.

My mindset is always to push myself as far as I can.  Meaning my last possible full pushup is VERY strained and VERY unbalanced...and probably VERY unsafe.  And that's where I'm going wrong.  I need to stop before I get to the point of over-straining....before I reach the potential for injury.  I know...duh right?

Anyways....I'm going to allow this shoulder to heal...with modified pushups once again (out of necessity though!).  But then I'm going to give my new plan another shot, adjusting my mindset to do as many as I can while remaining strong and in control.  As soon as I start to feel as though I'm no longer in control, that will be my cue.  With this method, I'm going to have to be okay with building my reps very slowly...but also (hopefully) without constant injury.  

I have a very strong desire to get better at pushups and with the changes to the IHC and Black Belt grading year, I want to be ready to properly fulfill that requirement when the time comes.

IHC Numbers To Date
Pushups = 27614
Situps = 27719
Kwan Dao = 571
Tai Chi Short = 667
Sparring = 549
Km's = 1073
AOKs = 690