Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Project Kindness

First off, thank-you to Todai Bauer for putting "Project Kindness" together.  This was such a lovely idea and keepsake.

Secondly, thank-you to everyone for submitting their kind words.

This project was valuable to me in many ways.

As I read through the comments that others made about me, I found it interesting how many of them followed a common theme, many people even using alot of the same descriptors.  And it made me feel good to hear these things from several people.  They can't all be liars...😂.  But it was also somewhat curious how there were a few outlying comments.  Things that I don't really see in myself and so it was interesting to have some of those things pointed out as well.

Something else I found really interesting was that I could almost hear a specific voice in certain comments...as if I could hear the person speaking to me.  I think this might be due to becoming familiar with how people "talk" through their blogs.  When I felt I could hear a voice, it seemed to have an even greater impact.  And sure, I might have had the wrong voice, since they were all anonymous...but even so.

As I wrote my own comments for my fellow team-mates, some of them came very readily to me, while others I found more difficult.  It's easy to say nice things about people, generally speaking.  Especially about the people in this group.  But as I tried to really pinpoint something truly unique about each of them, I became very aware of which of my team-mates I had obviously created bonds with, and those that I need to get to know better.  Oddly enough, for certain people, this realization came as a bit of a surprise.  So above an beyond the original intent, this project has inspired me to try and make some deeper connections and to reach out more to my team mates.

Once again, thank-you Todai Bauer for organizing this initiative.

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