Saturday, August 31, 2024

Let's See Where It Goes

I think I did one of the best reps of Awakening the Dragon that I've ever done.

I was actually doing my morning meditation.  And I started to use my hands to play around with my chi a bit.  As I did this I happened to find myself doing similar motions to our form.  So I went with it.   

I find Awakening the Dragon very difficult at times.  When we do it in class, typically after some high intensity drills, I find that I can never manage to regulate my breathing to the form.  I'm mostly going through the motions, because my breath is just too quick and irregular.  So my harmonies are very disconnected...nonexistent to be honest.  Other times I find that I am too in my head, counting the number of reps for each part, unable to really immerse myself into the form and utilize it in the way it should be.  And I learned from this one particularly "perfect" repetition that the number is arbitrary.  I wasn't counting and I couldn't even make a guess as to how many times I did each part.  I simply moved on, and changed course, when it felt right.  

In this particular moment, I just felt like everything came together.  My breathing, my movements and my chi was all perfectly in sync.  And I cannot say that has ever happened before.  At least never to this degree.

I'm now trying to figure out how to apply these insights to other forms.  Being an internal form, it will be difficult to replicate this in an external form like Da Mu Hsing, but I don't think impossible!  I intend to start with some bits that, on their own, seem more internal, and then expand from there.  I'm excited to see where this takes me.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24, 2024

IHC Numbers To Date

Pushups = 20329
Situps = 19508
Fan = 416
Long = 305
Sparring = 259
Km's = 681
AOKs = 549

Saturday, August 17, 2024


We are out camping and service is very poor and sporadic and I haven’t been able to get onto the blog site at all the last couple days.  Which is actually totally fine.  Lol.  So I’m trying to write something here and am going to attempt to post this directly to WhatsApp and hopefully it will eventually go through!!

We were out on the paddle boards this afternoon.  The water was glass and I found myself just drifting and watching below.  I found myself thinking about how there was this vast unknown world right below me full of all kinds of little creatures.  There’s just so much life all around us that we are barely ever aware of and so today I spent some time trying to be really present and mindful of that.  In doing so, I actually ended up feeling connected to those little worlds rather than just an observer.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Double Blam

Last week we were given an assignment.  We were to explore the piece in Lao Gar 1 where we step back into an elongated bow with 2 backfists directed behind us.  This is also known as "Double Blam" in the Young Dragons 1 class.  lol.

As I've been playing with this, it dawned on me how this sequence is an obvious example of how the external harmonies work.  


And when I say "obvious" I mean obvious now that I've been directed to actually pay some close attention.  

As I did this sequence over and over, while applying my eye for detail, I noticed that I could easily recognize each of these connections.  It starts with the shoulders-hips as the motions are initiated.  It flows down to the elbows-knees and then finally ends with the hands-feet at "impact" or completion of the strike.  These connections and flow were always there...I just never acknowledged them specifically.  

To be honest, this hasn't been a part that I've ever really paid alot of close attention to.  I tend to focus on the parts that give me serious trouble.  And in an effort not to overload my mind too heavily, I often tell myself that if it feels ok, then I should trust my body is doing what it needs to do and not overthink it too much.  Overthinking can sometimes get me in trouble or lead me down the wrong path.  But in my attempt to not overthink, I've also stopped being mindful.  Whoopsies.

After diving deeper into a portion that I feel fairly good about, I can see that understanding what IS working in one area, or what IS obvious, can be very useful in troubleshooting the areas that I'm really struggling with.

IHC Numbers To Date
Pushups = 19574
Situps = 18668
Fan = 400
Long = 299
Sparring = 222
Km's = 627
AOKs = 498

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Aug 3, 2024

 I’m out camping this weekend enjoying the outdoors but not a lot of electronic time!!

IHC Numbers To Date

Pushups = 19078
Situps = 18245
Fan = 399
Long = 296
Sparring = 222
Km's = 571